At a Glance With Glenveagh - Things to Do in Balbriggan This Month

Wondering what’s happening in your area this month? We’re looking at some of the events and things to do in Balbriggan during the month of March.

Fingal Music Showdown

The Fingal Music Showdown comes to The Lark venue and theatre in Balbriggan on the 13th, bringing the search for Fingal's best band or solo performer to a climax. The Showdown follows on from two highly competitive semi-finals, where some serious talent and musical craft was on display.

So, if you like live music and love finding new bands or artists to listen to, the Fingal Music Showdown is definitely your thing. This will be a great night showcasing some wonderful performers.

The Fingal Music Showdown takes place in The Lark, Balbriggan on Thursday 13th March at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are €15 and available from the Lark website.

Balbriggan St. Patrick's Day Parade

This year's St. Patrick's Day Parade in Balbriggan looks set to bring lots of music, colour and craic to the town. The parade will follow a slightly shorter route this year but it promises an "infectious energy" and carnival atmosphere.

This year the parade starts at Bremore Castle car park and follows on down Drogheda Street, on to Dublin Street and then to St. Peter and Paul's Church where the parade finishes.

There will be some diversions to bus routes servicing Balbriggan between 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to accommodate the parade and celebrations. You can find out more from Dublin Bus here.

The Balbriggan St. Patrick's Day parade kicks off at 12:00 p.m. on March 17th and will be a great community event, so well worth going along to.

National Tree Week Giveway

It's National Tree Week and Fingal County Council are giving away 10,000 trees to residents throughout the county! They're also hosting community planting events and workshops. The council will be distributing native and non-native species, for heritage and diverse tree planting. There'll be a new Fingal Oak Seed Orchard in Balbriggan along with educational events along the way.

If you want to get planting a hazel, hawthorn or event a walnut tree, now's your chance to receive free trees from the council.

The Balbriggan tree giveway will happen from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday 12th March and again at the same time on Saturday 15th March. Drop along to Ardgillan Demense upper car park to collect your trees. Each household can collect two trees absolutely free! For more information check out Fingal National Tree Week.

From live music to parades and community tree planting events, these are jsut a few of the things to do around Balbriggan this month, that are free or that won't break the bank.