Construction is well underway for the new Balmoston homes. Glenveagh has partnered on this site with Fingal County Council to deliver 1,200 A-rated, sustainable, high-quality homes for over 3,000 people. There will be a much-needed mix of affordable, private, cost rental, and social homes. There will also be a world-class hub hosting sporting and recreational facilities, for the people Portrane, Donabate and the wider community.
Over 115 residents have now moved into Balmoston and construction of the remaining new homes is progressing well and is on schedule.
Construction has begun on two, three and four bedroom homes in Ballisk Park. When complete Ballisk Park will provide 112 new A-rated Affordable Purchase homes in the area. Work is progressing well and is on schedule.
For any enquiries about our new communities in Donabate, please email